Waste Collection Regulations
Effective January 01, 2025
The Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board will provide residential waste collection services on a weekly basis. All waste to be collected shall be placed at the curb or street line no later than 8:00 a.m. on the designated day of collection.
Industrial/commercial/institutional organizations may avail of curbside collection at the same rate set for residents, with the same regulations applying, not including the monthly bulk pickup. Businesses opting for curbside collection are required to use approved roll-out containers. A maximum of four containers can be collected per organization, at a charge of $185 per container for 12 months. Waste volumes in excess of the limit provided for residential collection will require transportation and processing at the waste management site, at the cost of the service user.
Scales have been installed at the waste management site, and will be utilized for invoicing purposes for industrial/commercial/institutional waste processing. Fees for industrial/commercial/institutional waste processing are set at $98/short ton ($108.03/metric tonne) for landfill waste and paper fibre. A tipping fee rate for dredge and concrete material in excess of 8 inch minus has been set at $25.00/short ton ($27.56/metric tonne). The tipping fee for material that is in the range of 6 inch minus and 8 inch minus has been set at $10.00 per short ton ($11.02/metric tonne).
Drop-off for organic materials will be available to all industrial/commercial/institutional users.
All vehicles and trailers entering the landfill site will have their license plates and weights monitored. Commercial accounts will be charged fees as outlined above. All Vehicles that travel past the public drop-off and on to the landfill will be charged regular tipping fees. All vehicles with residential waste using the public drop-off, may drop off waste free of charge up to 2000 pounds. Every visit will be logged and visitors will be given a weigh slip for information purposes. If residential users feel that they will go over the 2000 LB limit, they will be required to explain their reason to the General Manager. If there are extenuating circumstances, then a request may be made to the BPRSB Technical Committee for an exemption. This limit has been put in place to control the amount of commercial garbage being disposed of as residential. It is not the intention of the Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board to charge residential customers for public drop-off, of legitimate personal waste.
In the event of technical difficulties with the site scales, the General Manager has the authority to set up a “per-load fee”.
Proper Containment
Municipal solid waste shall be contained in waste bags and placed in an approved roll-out cart with European grip, approved for mechanical dumping. Roll-out carts are required to have minimum wheel diameter of 12 in/30.5 cm. Roll out carts are required to have a hinged lid, offering a tight seal to keep pests and weather out, and trash in.
Proper Placement
Each household shall have a maximum of one approved Roll-out cart of waste per week to be collected; these carts must be placed within 6ft/2m from the curb or asphalt from May to October, and 8ft/2.5m from November to April. All waste must be contained within a cart suited to the collection regulations. Under the new regulations for waste collection, all waste must be placed in Roll-out carts at curbside no later than 8:00 a.m. on the designated day of collection.
Animal Feces
One responsibility of a pet owner is proper disposal of animal waste. Due to the unsanitary conditions caused by handling this particular type of sewage material, animal feces must be disposed of by being double bagged and distributed amongst various bags. This is to ensure that the waste collection team is not exposed to unsanitary waste.
Ammunition can only be disposed of by having it dropped off to an RCMP detachment. Under no circumstances should ammunition be placed at the curbside for regular waste collection.
Sharp Objects
Hypodermic needles, razor blades, or any other sharp objects must be placed in a screw-top, puncture proof container before being placed in garbage bags. Broken Glass must be packaged in a rigid container, so that glass does not protrude, and must be marked, “Broken Glass”. Nails in wood must be removed or bent down.
Liquids are not permitted to be placed in garbage bags or carts. Problems are encountered when paint or oil, for example, is illegally placed in garbage bags or carts. The collection truck will crush the liquid containers and the contents may spray back at the collector (causing harm or injury) or may leak out into the street. There is also the possibility of fire in the case of flammable liquids.
The following is a list of other items not to be collected during regular collection:
Bulk Collection Guidelines
A bulk curb side collection service will be performed 10 times per year. Residents will be required to place bulk items at curb side no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day of collection.
There will be no bulk collection for Industrial/commercial/institutional waste.
Bulk items include:
Metal items include:
Bulk items NOT to be included:
Residents are not permitted to set out no more than 225 kg (495 lbs.) of bulk waste during the specified bulk collection event.
The new waste collection schedule is set as follows:
Household Weekly Collection Schedule |
Tuesday |
Fortune; Point May; Lamaline; Point au Gaul; Lord’s Cove; Lawn; St. Lawrence; Little St. Lawrence; Epworth-Great Salmonier; Lewin’s Cove; Winterland; Garnish |
Wednesday |
Grand Bank; Grand Beach; Frenchman’s Cove; Burin; Fox Cove-Mortier |
Thursday |
Marystown; Beau Bois; Spanish Room; Rock Harbour; Jean de Baie |
Friday |
Red Harbour; Rushoon; Baine Harbour; Parker’s Cove; Brookside; Boat Harbour; Petite Forte; Bay L’Argent; St. Bernard’s-Jacques Fontaine; Little Bay East; Harbour Mille; Terrenceville; Grand Le Pierre; English Harbour East; Monkstown |
Monthly Bulk Collection Schedule |
First Tuesday |
Grand Bank |
First Wednesday |
Fortune |
First Thursday |
Point May; Lamaline; Point au Gaul; Lord’s Cove; Taylor’s Bay |
First Friday |
Lawn |
Second Tuesday |
St. Lawrence; Little St. Lawrence; Epworth-Great Salmonier |
Second Wednesday |
Grand Beach; Frenchman’s Cove; Garnish; Winterland; Lewin’s Cove |
Second Thursday |
Burin; Fox Cove-Mortier |
Third Tuesday |
Terrenceville, Grand Le Pierre, English Harbour East, Monkstown |
Third Wednesday |
Bay L’Argent, St. Bernard’s-Jacques Fontaine, Little Bay East, Harbour Mille |
Third Thursday |
Red Harbour, Rushoon, Baine Harbour, Parker’s Cove, Brookside, Boat Harbour, Petite Forte |
Fourth Tuesday |
Sections of Marystown - Black Brook; Greenwood Street and extensions; Creston Blvd (Creston South); Charlotte Street and extensions; Ville Marie Dr (Keyin College Road to Route 220 Grand Bank Highway) |
Fourth Wednesday |
Sections of Marystown - Ville Marie Drive (Creston North) to Queen’s St.; Harris Drive and Harris Drive Extensions |
Fourth Thursday |
Sections of Marystown - Marine Drive to Beau Bois; Bayview St., McGettigan Blvd to Mooring Cove; Spanish Room; Rock Harbour; Jean de Baie |
Please check our website for any changes and updates, as revisions may be required following the two-month transitional period, for the convenience of service users.
Waste pickup may be refused for the following reasons:
This schedule is subject to change due to weather or other such interruptions. To receive email notifications of any collection schedule changes or related items, please forward civic and email addresses to admin@burinpenwaste.com. All contact information will be kept confidential. The Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board appreciates the support and cooperation of residents and businesses during this transition, and looks forward to further serving the region.