Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board
Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board


                                                 Public Notice




The Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board provides waste management services for all Burin Peninsula municipalities, local service districts, and unincorporated areas.



The Board operates a waste management facility near Jean de Baie, on Route 210. Hours of operation are as follows: 

Tuesday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Sunday and Monday: Closed

Household Weekly Collection Schedule

Please also note that there are no set hours for curbside waste collection. Specific collection times may vary from week to week. In order to ensure that waste is collected as scheduled, materials should be placed at the curbside by 8:00 a.m. on the set day for collection.

Tuesday: Fortune; Point May; Lamaline; Point au Gaul; Lord’s Cove; Lawn; St. Lawrence;
Little St. Lawrence; Epworth-Great Salmonier; Lewin's Cove; Winterland; Garnish
Wednesday: Grand Bank; Grand Beach; Frenchman’s Cove; Buirn; Fox Cove-Mortier
Thursday: Marystown; Beau Bois; Spanish Room; Rock Harbour; Jean de Baie
Friday: Red Harbour; Rushoon; Baine Harbour; Parker's Cove; Brookside; Boat Harbour; Petite Forte; Bay L'Argent; St. Bernards-Jacques Fontaine; Little Bay East; Harbour Mille; Terrenceville; Grand Le Pierre; English Harbour East; Monkstown

Monthly Bulk Collection Schedule


Residents will be required to place bulk items at curbside no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Please note there is no longer a requirement to call for bulk collection service, as bulk collection will automatically occur in each area.


There will be NO Bulk Collection during the month of February and the month of March. The Bulk Collection will resume its normal Schedule in April.


First Tuesday

Grand Bank


First Wednesday



First Thursday

Point May; Lamaline; Point au Gaul; Lord’s Cove: Taylor’s Bay


First Friday



Second Tuesday

St. Lawrence; Little St. Lawrence; Epworth-Great Salmonier


Second Wednesday

Grand Beach; Frenchman’s Cove; Garnish; Winterland; Lewin’s Cove


Second Thursday

Burin; Fox Cove-Mortier


Third Tuesday

 Terrenceville, Grand Le Pierre, English Harbour East, Monkstown


Third Wednesday

Bay L’Argent, St. Bernards-Jacques Fontaine, Little Bay East, Harbour Mille


Third Thursday

Red Harbour, Rushoon, Baine Harbour, Parker’s Cove, Brookside, Boat Harbour, Petite Forte


Fourth Tuesday

Sections of Marystown - Black Brook; Greenwood Street and extensions; Creston Blvd (Creston South); Charlotte Street and extensions; Ville Marie Dr (Keyin College Road to Route 220 Gr. Bank Highway)


Fourth Wednesday

Sections of Marystown - Ville Marie Drive (Creston North) to Queen’s St.; Harris Drive and Harris Drive extensions;


Fourth Thursday

Sections of Marystown - Marine Drive to Beau Bois; Bayview St., McGettigan Blvd to Mooring Cove; Spanish Room; Rock Harbour; Jean de Baie



Contact Us Today!

Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board

P.O. Box 510
Burin Bay Arm, NL A0E 1G0

Phone: +1 709 891-1717+1 709 891-1717




Burin Peninsula Regional Waste Management Facility ∙ Route 210 Main Burin Highway ∙ Osmond Way

A0E 2M0

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Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board